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The Big Question: Can Football Ever Be Fair?

Gareth Roberts hosts the latest edition of ‘The Big Question’ where the panel discuss whether football can ever be fair, can the balance between financial necessities ever balance out with the average fan? What has driven this massive escalation in the...
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The Big Question: Is Next Year Liverpool’s Year?

It’s the question on Liverpool fans’ lips every single season – but this time, next season, could it finally be ours? Gareth Roberts hosts a panel featuring Rob Gutmann, Andy Heaton, Neil Docking, Dan Morgan and Fuad Hasan to get into whether The...
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The Big Question: How Important Is Youth Development?

In a wide-ranging debate on the latest Big Question show, Gareth Roberts, Melissa Reddy, John Gibbons, Rick McEvoy and Dan Austin get stuck into the subject of developing youth. Is success measured only by those who make the first team? How hard is it to unearth...
The Big Question: The Anfield Atmosphere

The Big Question: The Anfield Atmosphere

Joining Gareth Roberts for our second edition of ‘The Big Question’, where the room discusses the much debated subject of the atmosphere at Anfield, joining Gareth for the discussion are Anfield Wrap regulars Ben Johnson, Steve Graves, Mike Nevin and John Gibbons....