NEIL ATKINSON and John Gibbons chat away to Dave Downie about Everton and the importance of the forthcoming league cup tie against Middlesbrough. That and any subsequent semi-final could, argues Dave, be definitive in any assessment of Martinez. They also speak to...
FOR all the misgivings Arsenal fans have felt crowding in on them in recent seasons, for all the warning signs over a summer in which the club have managed to gain new, wealthy ownership and yet lose key players, few can have imagined it would come to this. Their...
Derby Day Debacle: TAW Midweek Extra
The Anfield Wrap’s midweek podcast looking back at last night’s draw at Goodison Park, Liverpool’s performance and the absolute state of Michael Oliver before looking ahead to the weekend’s game against Wolves.
Josh Sexton hosts Beth Lindop, Leon McCowan and Ian Salmon…