I’VE just finished reading George Orwell’s Keep the Aspidistra Flying. Set in the 1930s, it concerns a poet called Gordon Comstock who declares war on the ‘money god’ which dominates the world. He refuses a well-paid job writing ludicrous advertising copy and instead...
John Gibbons speaks to James Richards from the D3D4 podcast about Project Big Picture, Sheffield Wednesday fan James Marriott about their points deduction and Charlton Athletic commentator Greg Stubley about their new owner… Below is a clip from the show – to...
John Gibbons is joined by Gareth Roberts, Dan Morgan and Ian Ryan to react to the news that came out over the back end of the last week about games on pay per view and the ‘Project Big Picture’ proposals… For more reaction to all the news and events...
Bournemouth 0 Liverpool 2: The Anfield Wrap
The Anfield Wrap’s podcast looking back at Liverpool’s victory Bournemouth on the road that see’s the Reds maintain their lead at the top of the Premier League.
Neil Atkinson hosts Phil Blundell, Mo Stewart and Rob Gutmann.