John Gibbons, Neil Atkinson and Kev Walsh talk through some of the anniversaries on April 21, including an absolutely mental title race six pointer against Arsenal at Anfield… If you're already subscribed, click here to...
I’LL always be asked by my non-Liverpool supporting mates (of whom I have a worryingly high number): “How many Premier League titles have Liverpool won?” That is to say, I’ll always be asked that question until Liverpool actually win one. I say “until”, because it’s...
THIS night began with me nearly being run over outside the HJC shop. My mates and I had been raising some money for a former Liverpool great and would often meet people who wanted to help out. It so happened that on the night of the Madrid game we met a man called...
THE concluding part of 08/09. Atkinson, Nevin, Graves, Gibbons. Rotation needed when it is as intense as this. The four are all in as Liverpool thump everyone. If you're already subscribed, click here to...
MORE on 2008/9 with Neil Atkinson and Mike Nevin, joined this time by Steve Graves and Gareth Roberts. The meat of the season and the peak of the madness is reached. They were crazy days back then and this foursome pick the barely healed scabs. If you're already...
Derby Day Debacle: TAW Midweek Extra
The Anfield Wrap’s midweek podcast looking back at last night’s draw at Goodison Park, Liverpool’s performance and the absolute state of Michael Oliver before looking ahead to the weekend’s game against Wolves.
Josh Sexton hosts Beth Lindop, Leon McCowan and Ian Salmon…