In a new TAW show, we have an unscripted chat about all things red over a cup of Barry’s Tea. In the first of the format, Tony Barrett joins Gareth Roberts, John Gibbons and Andy Heaton.
Cup Of Tea: Tony Barrett
by The Anfield Wrap | Nov 7, 2016 | Podcast, TAW Player | 8 comments
brilliant you should do more shows like this
Great show. I really like this format
Fair play, probably the best show I’ve heard for a long time on here but as you concede the bar has been set high on this one. Although I’m not big on it myself I love to hear common sense being spoken. I’d be very interested one time to hear Tony’s views on FSG. Ok, from listening to that and everything said about the club I could probably apply some common sense and make assumptions. I’m actually indifferent to them but I don’t like criticism based on agenda’s, or worse, lies and it makes me end up defending them. My view is they’ve made mistakes but they’ve always tried to correct them and the club is in very good shape. I think if we plotted their 6 years on a graph it’d be a positive correlation except for 14/15 and would be about to get steeper upwards.
The reason I feel now would be an interesting time for this debate is because when I have these arguments with mates I make points and they get shot down and to be honest I’m left wondering whether I’m right or wrong. Things like, any owner would have built that new main stand. To me, the net spend this summer was irrelevant but it gets used as a stick. The Annie road announcement was more fuel that they only care about their pockets It’s backed up by the ticket price fiasco last year which although I used that as a positive in their favour some of the comments made in New York regarding the Annie Road sowed some doubt for me. At the end of the day my view on them has been the same since day one. They spotted potential to reap the rewards from an investment but at the core of their model is a desire for success, therefore being mutually beneficial to the club and their pockets. I’m ok if that’s what happens. I think teams like Chelsea, City and PSG have distorted how fans see the role of football club owners. My mates also argue that Klopp is the game changer if we go on to be successful. I completely agree with that but then they blame them for 7th place finishes. I argue you can’t have it both ways. Another thing I find interesting on here is the differing views on them in the comments when it’s raised. It seems the foreign (to UK) fans have one view and the people of Liverpool have another. Obviously, that’s generalising but again I feel there’s a correlation.
In hindsight, maybe now isn’t the time to have that debate with the team doing so well and the owners becoming even less significant but one day I think it would be good to hear a talk on that where that bit of inside knowledge is backed up by common sense interpretations. Some of my favourite shows on here have been the Rick Parry interview and one with Tony last year when he mentioned Kenny phoning him to ask about his dad. Think it was on the Liverpool press close to the club if I remember rightly.
Great stuff keep them coming!
One of the best shows I’ve heard you do so far lads.
i really liked this format , getting tony for the first show was a steal also , his knowledge of all things liverpool is all embracing , i hope you keep this show going , i really think its a runner , keep it up lads ,
Great show and format, I prefer the 40 minute shows, as easy listening and to fit into your busy day, hard to get time to listen to shows over 1 hour. Tony is the best journalist around and top man, you have to get him in more often!! Keep up the good work!
That was a great listen. I love hearing about the backround stuff, the state of the club, perception of the club, vision or lack of it , youth footie etc .. TB is a top man. Well done, again.