Previewing Liverpool v Atletico Madrid under the lights at the Anfield in the fourth game of the Champions League group stage. Gareth Roberts hosts Phil Blundell, Josh Sexton and Sam Evans, while John Gibbons speaks to Spanish football journalist Euan McTear…...
To discuss quotes from Jurgen Klopp and Liverpool FC’s transfer activity, Gareth Roberts hosts Shaun O’Donnell, Fuad Hasan and Sam Evans… Login To Watch All Our Premium ContentSubscribe For Instant Access To TAW Video Recent Posts: Ta-Ra Goodison...
John Gibbons hosts Lizzi Doyle, Kev Walsh and Phil Blundell to look back over the week’s Super League madness and ahead to Newcastle. Also on the show, Harrison Worden hosts a panel of young Anfield Wrap stars in Chloe Bloxam, Cam Rimmer and Sam Evans to talk...
Ta-Ra Goodison Park: The Wrap Up
The best bits from The Anfield Wrap produced across the last week of Reds action…