Alisson Becker claimed The Anfield Wrap’s Embodiment of Liverpool FC award 2023, so here are his top 10 moments during his time at Anfield…


FROM stunning saves, to emphatic headed goals, to silky skill moves, to memorable assists — Alisson Becker has done it all.

So, to celebrate him claiming The Anfield Wrap’s Embodiment of Liverpool FC award for 2023, here are the Liverpool number one’s best moments of his Reds career so far (in no particular order, apart from number one — you can already guess what that might be).

10. Early trophy-winning save v Napoli in 2018

Up there with Jerzy Dudek’s save v Andriy Shevchenko as one of the most important in Liverpool’s history. Had Milik tucked this away, Liverpool would not have won number six in Madrid. It’s as simple as that.

And this, technically, was probably a better save than Dudek’s, with all due respect to the Pole. Faced with a one on one, all Alisson can do is make himself as big as possible, and that he does, to great avail. It takes a while for everyone to process exactly what has just happened.

Watching it back, I still worry that Milik is going to score.

Moments win you leagues. Moments win you trophies. World-class players excel in key moments. This was a key moment in Liverpool’s 2018-19 Champions League glory.

9. 2022 FA Cup final penalty save

I thought we had blown the shootout when Mane saw his penalty saved. Alisson had other ideas.

It was actually a good penalty by (hopefully) future Red Mason Mount, but met by an incredible save from Ali. Key moments, key saves, lead to big trophies. And this led to a memorable cup double for The Reds.

And extra credit for not letting the ball bounce in afterwards, which some feared could happen. But Alisson was too cool for that.

8. Save from Camavinga’s shot in Madrid

I wanted to a include a save that is purely Alisson’s best save; no context, just purely on a technical basis. And to me, this one is the greatest, even if it didn’t mean anything in terms of the outcome of the tie.

I can’t fathom how he even gets his hand to it, let alone how he manages to tip it on to the bar. It’s struck with venom and heading straight into the top corner. You wouldn’t blame the goalie for not even trying to save it.

At first, I thought it had just hit the bar clean, but you can see from the replays that Alisson gets a strong enough hand to the ball to prevent it from crashing into the back of the net.

Saves like the one from Milik, Dudek etc, are all incredible. But there’s also an element of the ball just hitting them. Which to me, is why this is Alisson’s best save; he’s actually on the other side of the goal when it’s struck.

7. Jamming with Jamie Webster in 2019

Alisson isn’t just a cool goalkeeper. He’s about as cool as a man gets. With his impressive beard, his ability to pull off every hairstyle known to man, Alisson also plays guitar and cooks an impressive barbecue. A top lad.

And then he was jamming with musician and huge Red Jamie Webster. A Brazilian and a Scouser, two hugely talented men, in different ways, connected by a couple of acoustic guitars, performing an iconic tune. A beautiful moment.

6. Chipping it over Knockaert in 2018

Alisson isn’t just famous for his shot stopping. Sometimes I wonder if Alisson could do a good shift for us outfield (and more on that later), because he’s just that good with his feet. He loves a dummy and a Cruyff turn, but this piece of skill in particular had more flair than any other.

Being pressured by Brighton’s Anthony Knockaert, it looks for a second as though the forward is going to beat Alisson to it. Then something incredible happens.

With the ball rolling along the ground, Ali chips it over Knockaert, with the utmost nonchalance, controls the ball, then passes it to van Dijk. The goalie. Flicking it over the striker’s head. Incredible.

This was in his third game for the club, with the score at 1-0 to Liverpool. Talk about confidence.

But erm, the less said about what he tried in the next game against Leicester, the better.

5. Assist for Mo Salah v Man City in 2022

He likes a skill move, but he also loves an incredible long rage pass, does our Alisson.

I was at this game, and went absolutely berserk when Salah slotted this home.

It had been a game packed with drama — the score was somehow 0-0, but you just knew one of the two sides was going to nick it.

After a poor freekick from De Bruyne, Alisson caught the ball and noticed Mo Salah on his bike.

Despite slipping, his long pass was perfect (albeit Salah also does incredibly well) and Cancelo fumbled it. Salah dashed away and slotted it home.

This is Anfield. This is Alisson.

4. His celebration with Klopp v Everton in 2018

We all know where we were and how we reacted when that Origi goal went in.

Alisson has the best memory of us all; Jürgen Klopp sprinting onto the pitch to give him a massive hug. The two spin around in a 180, mid hug, as if a married couple that have just won the lottery.

I think it was later revealed that Klopp was happy with Alisson for how he sent Trent up with the freekick. It doesn’t really matter. It was a bonkers moment and Alisson Becker deserved it for being Alisson Becker.

Also, he made an incredible save in the first half to keep the score at 0-0. Just thought I’d also throw that in there.

3. Another assist for Mo Salah and his celebration v United in 2020

I always think of this as the moment we won the league. It’s sad that The Reds weren’t able to lift the trophy in front of a crowd at Anfield, but really this was the goal that won us the title, and that that’s how it felt in the ground.

Very similar to the City goal in 2022, as Alisson picks up the pieces of a poor shot/cross (whatever the hell Wan-Bissaka was trying). He spots Salah on his moped, and sends him off with the perfect ball.

The feeble Dan James falls flat on his face trying to catch Salah, who finishes in front of The Kop.

Off comes the shirt. Up comes Alisson. From his own goal, the Brazilian sprints the length of the field to celebrate with Salah, knee sliding in front of The Kop as if he’s scored a goal (more on that soon).

Possibly the most iconic moment of our Premier League title victory.

2. Mocking Jordan Pickford v Everton in 2022

It’s tempting to put this at number one. It’s my favourite bit of onfield comedy of all time.

Frank Lampard’s Everton side decided to spend the whole game time wasting, falling over, feigning injury, picking their nose to delay a throw in, feigning death — anything to run the clock down.

This included Jordan Pickford falling over after catching a simple cross. And then lying there smiling, knowing full well that he was cheating. What did the referee think? “Nothing to see here!”

Then inevitably, because they are rubbish, Everton found themselves losing. Not just 1-0, but 2-0. All that time wasting, to find yourselves 2-0 down.

Then towards the end of the game, Richarlison found himself in space, and let off a shot. Unfortunately, the power of the shot was such that it reminded me of when footballers bring their toddlers on to the pitch on the last game of the season, and let them take a few shots.

Alisson picked it up with ease, then fell over for no reason, completely taking the piss out of Jordan Pickford. It sounded like there was a comedian on in Anfield, rather a bunch of lads playing footie.

“I won’t blunder like Alisson”, he once said. OK, mate.

1. Headed goal v West Brom in 2021 (obviously)

What else could realistically be at number one, than when our goalkeeper scored a vital last minute goal.

And what a header!

Lockdown was shit. Lockdown football provided some respite, but it was shit. Especially when we lost 1-0 at home every single game for about four years in a row.

Alisson had lost his father just a few months earlier in a tragic incident. Klopp had recently lost his mother. A lot of fans watching had quite possibly suffered personal tragedies and hardships as well, during the pandemic.

It looked like Fat Sam was going to nab a point off us again. Top four is gone. Fucking hell.

Last attack of the game. Up comes Alisson. We all think maybe, just maybe. But no. No way.

He leaps like a salmon. Meets it with his head, and the ball flies into corner, leaving the goalkeeper motionless.

Despite the shitty Birmingham weather, the sun shines appears out of nowhere, with rain still pouring down. Poetry.

I think this is the most emotional football moment of my life, and perhaps many fans would feel the same, albeit every fan has their own stories, their own memories.

But to me, this was a moment of unbridled joy, after months of relentless misery. And I couldn’t have been any happier for Alisson, whose post-match interview after that header is always worth watching.

You wonder if even a small part of our biggest rival’s fans enjoyed it — just for a second — even if they would never admit it.

I always love watching Klopp’s reaction. He doesn’t go nuts. He just stands there in disbelief. Mouth gaping. Speechless.

The next season, Liverpool would go on to reach the Champions League final, where they very easily could have done to Madrid exactly what City did in midweek. But unfortunately, it wasn’t to be.

But nevertheless, that header will never, ever be forgotten. In many ways, it’s the perfect moment to encapsulate Jürgen Klopp’s tenure at Liverpool.

Incredible, dramatic, emotional, impressive, unbelievable, unprecedented, and fucking bonkers.

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