NEIL ATKINSON, Steve Graves, Chris Maguire and Mike Nevin leg it in to town to eulogise the seemingly unbreakable Mighty Reds.
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This podcast is my emotional crutch, my antidote to the venom that pulses through my central nervous system which rages with emotions each time we play (and win) another game. This podcast is my go to place, my safe house, my place of sanctuary. This podcast is the third room on the right down the corridor. The room where I can pluck up the courage, look you in the eye, clear my throat, rise to my feet and confidently declare “My name is Sean. And I support Liverpool.”
Good lad!
Im 100% with sean and could not put it any better, the anfield wrap is my whole support network at this time. Madness,
This is not a drunk show at all. It’s very good and always about the football. So don’t listen to the disclaimer in the beginning, get on it.
Is it not? I didn’t bother with it after hearing the disclaimer. The New York show irritated me somewhat.
3 points again. Another one of ‘those’ games that gets the blood pumping for all the wrong reasons.
Several podcasts ago Neil asked how many of the remaining 14 games could Liverpool win? I said 14 and I feel as confident now about that selection as I did then. More so in fact. This team, this manager, this club, these supporters, they’re all growing before our very eyes. We most definitely are Liverpool again, tra la la la la!!
And the sour prick a.k.a ‘big sam’ wonders why his own fans boo? He truly is football’s very own Kryptonite. He even had the audacity to make out like the chances ratio was close and was of course highlighting the woeful refereeing decisions as the downfall of his team. Really Sam?? He pointed to Big Andy’s header against the bar as if it was the only chance, and if it wasn’t for those pesky referees? And then admits their goal probably shouldn’t have stood? Is this guy for real…or just another whiskey nose blind scouse hater?
Of course he forgot the 2 sublime attempts by the genius which also hit the bar…no mention of those eh Sam?
Our fans did a cracking job again and was really pleased to hear the other Brendan Rogers song getting several goes throughout the game. In fact, it seemed to get louder and better as the game wore on. Which is fair enough, he made the right changes at the right time again. Love that fella more and more I must say.
Man City next.
I’m pretty sure our lads are really looking forward to this one in the same way I reckon the City lads possibly aren’t? Even Kompany said we’ve been the toughest game they’ve had all season…and we’re even better now.
And that’s before yoy take into account how formidable we are at home, how the atmosphere is cranking up a notch as each game comes…and it will also be the weekend where everyone observes the 25th anniversary respects for the Hillsborough 96.
It might be advisable that the City lads wear earplugs because Anfield will be physically rocking with emotion…a bubbling, raucous cauldron of noise and belief. They are a pretty strong team but so are we…
I think they might just shit their collective pants!!
It’s the holy trinity again: players, fans and manager.
Thought Lucas was fantastic yesterday and would completely agree that his passing is very underrated. I think that the style Brendan is building suits him much better than under previous managers, and the pass he played for the second was very incisive. Would like to see him start against city as I thought he and Allen had very good games against them last time.
On a side note, I thought I would share my little pet theory on why left-footed players look more “cultured” to back up Mike in the face of Neil’s incredulity. Which is that it has something to do with the specialisation of the two hemispheres of the brain. You have probably heard about the theory that the right hemisphere is the more creative one and the left hemisphere is the more logical one (this theory is a little exaggerated and simplistic as they still interact a lot but we won’t let that stop us). Since the left hemisphere controls the right-side of the body, whereas the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body, it kind of fits nicely (although it is probably a little too cute) that left-footed movement appears more expressive since the right hemisphere is controlling it. I could be completely wide of the mark but I reckon what Mike was saying is at least plausible.
Oh, and how good is this season? I would have thought that being in front with 5 games to go I would be wishing the season was over already but I am savouring every last game. This weekend is going to be off the scale, come on you Redmen do us proud!
Briliant show. It’s a perfect mirror image of what the global LFC network is feeling at the moment: We’re all a bit light-headed, but not getting too carried away, all a bit sleepless but silently confident.
It’s getting real and these lads know what they’re talking about. Ignore the drunk disclaimer, this is one of the best in weeks.
Anfield is going to be something else this weekend.
Great show as usual. Couple of observations: You’re right to pick up on the change of tactics in the second half but did none of you hear the Liverpool bench SCREAMING keep the ball! keep the ball!, keep the ball! whenever we were in possession in the second half? The game plan was all about patience and wearing them down and Lucas was vital as Coutinho was trying to force it too much in the first half. Hats off to Mike (or was it Steve?) too, Lucas is an excellent, progressive passer and he isn’t given the credit he deserved for his passing.
The Sterling debate’s interesting. I agree with pretty much everything you say but I’d go a step further. Raheem could well prove an excellent central midfielder, not a no10, not a winger, but a genuine CM. I posted this a couple of week ago on another site,; he has all the attributes: he’s strong, he’s tenacious, he spots a pass, he’s quick witted and has quick feet and he’s as the great Bob would have it, not quick, but nippy like. To be honest he could be a world class winger, no10 or full back, like Brendan says, he’s a great footballer, but he could give us so much in central midfield – tenacity + creativity = quality.
The one thing we do miss in games like that is Stevie’s shooting from distance. He’s far better for the team in his new role, we need someone else to step up from midfield. I’d hope Brendan’s already got plans for Henderson, Stirling, Allen and Coutinho over the summer: work on your shooting lads, you’re great at everything else, so add that to your game!
Sterling not quick!? what are you comparing him to a greyhound?
No, he’s quick alright, just couldn’t resist a Paisley bon mot.
What great show…stupid introduction…and no Andy Heaton…..great show.
Haha, I thought of you when he said the introduction. I was pleased to see them fight back if i’m honest. They’re not the BBC answering to licence payers. This is a voluntary arrangement for our pleasure. I think we should be able to criticise if we wish and they should be able to tell us to fuck off if they want.
P.s I’m intrigued to know whether you’re James Dean from Blacon. I’m sure there’s a few James Dean’s around but the one I refer to is a big Liverpool fan so feel the need to ask.
Great Podcast, yet again… Love the drunkness, btw…
Also, I usually listen to you lot while I’m jogging… But I kinda go jogging three times a week…
SO, I need you to come up with another podcast for my wednesday-run, ‘cos that’s usually my worst… Since I can’t listen to your gorgeous voices…
Glad that’s sorted then!
Cheers ;)
another great podcast fellas, but i’m feeling you’alls need another trip to #NYC, missing you.