In an unexpected change to the line-up we had to call up the Mike Hooper to Neil’s Bruce Grobbelaar to present this week’s show. So, joining Andy Heaton at Parr Street are Nick O’Pray, Rob Gutmann, Steve Graves, Kristian Walsh, Mike Nevin and Jim Boardman.
[smart_track_player url=”” title=”PODCAST: IS THERE A DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE?” artist=”TAW Player” color=”ffffff” background=”default” ]
The grass is not always greener on the other side. Many many players have left us to find that out. Who is to say that he mightn’t move off to Italy, Germany or Spain and no longer be the loved Star that he is while here.
We all thought it was the end of the world after Torres left & it wasn’t. Have faith, you’ve got one of the best coaches in Europe at the club if only people would appreciated it. Supporters need to get back to what they are supposed to be “supporter”s.
Absolutely despise international breaks!
Loved listening to this pod. Sometimes it’s nice to reminisce about the good ole days. And talking about them help us fans that don’t live in Liverpool hear the stories that you guys know.
More of the same please.
The 79 side would beat them.
Could you guys ask Brendan why speaking to Steven Peters is optional the next time you get a chance to speak to him? It would be good to know if that is going to change next year, too.