Neil was joined by Rob, Andy, Gibbo, Mike Girling and Ragnhild Lund Ansnes in a week where fuck all happened.
[smart_track_player url=”” title=”PODCAST: NOTHING GOING ON” artist=”TAW Player” color=”ffffff” background=”default” ]
Lads could you check out the podcasts as they are playing too fast! Last Mondays, Fridays and tonight’s are playing to quick! Any ideas how to sort it?? Thanx..
I think it is right to have the conundrum take up a whole show, but I question if the radio slot is the appropriate place – the monday show feels more in house than the broadcast. We need to be wary of offering ammunition in our words for all the anti liverpool media, even other teams fans to an extent.
As an afterword I am happy to congratulate Swansea on their winning scoreline, after we pasted them by that exact amount.
Marclfc – if it’s an iPod/iPhone you may have the 2x button pressed. It is below the progress bar when held in the vertical position.
I haven’t seen the 2nd leg yet, but my worry from our patchy form is the team don’t seem to be playing for each other. Downing obviously has a reason to celebrate his goals as if he’s the only man on the pitch, and Sterling’s change in workrate is possibly due to distractions off the pitch, but overall the impression is no one feels a certain part of the team into the future. Pepe may be going, Carra and Stevie are ageing, and most importantly the style change demanded by Bren hints at Barca like players being desired, and we have players with the English direct line of attack approach. Wins will unify; losses will dishearten.
Cheers mull but it’s on x1 redownloaded last night and Fridays and Fridays fine so hope it’s sorted!! On Thursday I think that’s as good a team performance we’ve had, agree certain players have dipped in form ie sterling but downing has been impressive for me and had another very good game on Thursday, think there is clear signs of improvement but think there will still be the odd blip till Brendan get a few more bodies come summer…
Not listened to the podcasts for the last month or so and don’t know what’s been covered but Rodgers is doing himself no favours.
Some were against him from the start because he replaced Dalglish, some were on side from the start because he’s Liverpool’s manager and some were happy to support him and give him a fair chance. I was in the latter and I still think we’ll know more this time next year. Although I want to, I’m finding it hard to defend him more and more. His substitutions, his press conferences, some of his game plans and his criticism of players in the press have made me cringe. Now, it’s getting to the point that everything he does is winding me up. I pray he’ll reflect on his first season and learn from his mistakes. My worry is his stubborn personality won’t allow him to.
free Gibbo!!